is one of the most rewarding tasks as an architect when you are allowed
to design not only the interior of a building, but the building itself! 作为一名建筑师,当您不仅可以设计建筑物的内部,还可以设计建筑物本身时,这是最有价值的任务之一! FOGO
E ÁGUA was built in Bad Orb, near Frankfurt, a place where salt was
traditionally extracted from a brine in the last century. the white
geometric shape of the building is inspired by the salt crystals. FOGO E ÁGUA 建于法兰克福附近的 Bad Orb ,上个世纪,这里传统上是从盐水中提取盐。建筑的白色几何形状的灵感来自盐晶体。 The
name is a nod to the pioneering spirit of portugal and says it all.
Here, the specially designed black steel kitchen is only used for
cooking and grilling with fire. 这个名字是对葡萄牙开拓精神的致敬,说明了一切。在这里,特别设计的黑钢厨房仅用于烹饪和火烤。 The
restaurant is entere