专栏名称: Howie和小能熊
小能熊是终生学习的小能熊,是自我管理的小能熊。 小能熊专注于分享自我学习方法,分享时间管理、知识管理等自我管理方面的经验和思考。 一句话,小能熊,来自学习者,服务学习者。 热爱学习、希望提升自我的你,希望小能熊能成为你的好朋友。
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Howie和小能熊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-31 12:10


原文: Writes and Write-Nots [1] 作者:paul graham 翻译:@howie.serious I'm usually reluctant to make predictions about technology, but I feel fairly confident about this one: in a couple decades there won't be many people who can write. 我通常不愿意预测技术问题,但我对这个预测相当有信心:几十年后,有写作能力的人,不会很多。 One of the strangest things you learn if you're a writer is how many people have trouble writing. Doctors know how many people have a mole they're worried about; people who are good at setting up computers know how many people aren't; writers know how many people need help writing. 如果你成为一个写作者,你会发现的离奇现象之一就是有多少人有写作困难。就像医生会发现有多少人在焦虑他们长了一颗痣;擅长设置电脑的人会发现有多少人不会设置电脑;写作者会发现有多少人在写作上需要帮助。 The reason so many people have trouble writin ………………………………

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