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知识人网访问学者博士后  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-31 17:00


研究 方向—植物的UV-B感知和信号传导 UV-B Perception and Signalling in Plants Applications are invited for a postdoc position to study UV-B perception and signalling in plants. We are looking for a talented and creative new member of our team. You should have very recently received ( < 6 months) or expect to soon receive a PhD degree, and have (or are close to have) at least one first-author publication in a major international journal. Previous substantial experience with molecular biology, biochemistry, imaging techniques, or related, is essential. We offer a creative and stimulating international scientific environment, and access to state-of-the-art technologies. Geneva offers an outstanding setting for study and research in the Molecular Life Sciences, as well as beautiful natural surroundings for outdoor activities and a vibrant cosmopolitan cultural life. If you are interested in joining our team to make key discoveries in how plants perceive, signal and ………………………………

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