0 1. Walras–Bowley Lecture: Market Power and Wage Inequality 作者 Shubhdeep Deb Jan Eeckhout Aseem Patel Lawrence Warren 摘要 We propose a theory of how market power affects wage inequality. We ask how goods and labor market power jointly determine the level of wages, the skill premium, and wage inequality. We then use detailed microdata from the U.S. Census Bureau between 1997 and 2016 to estimate the parameters of labor supply, technology, and the market structure. We find that a less competitive market structure lowers the average wage of high-skilled workers by 11.3%, and of low-skilled workers by 12.2%, contributes 8.1% to the rise in the skill premium, and accounts for 54.8% of the increase in between-establishment wage variance. 我们提出了一个关于市场力量如何影响工资不平等的理论。我们询问商品和劳动力市场力量如何共同决定工资水平、技能溢价和工资不平等。然后,我们使用 1997 年至 2016 年间美国人口普