专栏名称: 寄托天下
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全奖博士 | 962期:美国德克萨斯州立大学工程技术系招收建筑管理博士或硕士

寄托天下  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-22 12:30


第 962 期 美国德克萨斯州立大学 工程技术系 招收建筑管理 博士或硕士 Position Introduction Funded PhD or MSc Studentpositions focusing on Construction Management are available for applicationstarting in Fall 2025/Spring 2026 in the Department of Engineering Technologyat Texas State University. Requirements Interests in oneof the following domains: (1) Human Factors and Ergonomics, (2) Human-AIInteraction, and (3) Construction and Transportation Safety. Background in ConstructionManagement, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, TransportationEngineering, Engineering Management, Computer Science, or related fields. Strongstatistical and programming skills. Previous researchexperiences and publications. (Internationalstudents) English proficiency: https://www.admissions.txst.edu/future-students/international/admissions-requirements.html. How to Apply Please email Dr.Guo at xingzhoug@txstate.edu the following documents, if you are interested inthe positions: C ………………………………

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