今天和大家精讲一下2025年英语一的阅读排序题以及我的做题思路。 这是我第一次做排序题,确实有难度,但是全对了 。 这种题型主要考察谋篇布局和逻辑能力。 可扫码做题: 全文有点长,共计6700多字,建议大家先收藏,有时间慢慢看。 以下进入正文: 做这种题,我们首先要概括每段大致讲了什么内容: A [A] Peters likes to photograph butterflies in a landscape, celebrating the beauty of their surroundings as well as the insects themselves. His pictures of a Glanville fritillary rising from the sea-pinks beside the chalk cliffs of Compton Bay on the Isle of Wight are particularly glorious. These take-off shots are even more challenging because they require a wide-angle lens, which means he must be less than 2cm from the butterfly. It's incredibly difficult to get that close to a skittish, sun-warmed insect. Unlike some photographers, who “cheat” by keeping insects in a fridge to