点击上方“蓝字”关注我们 译者| 李心烨 中国人民大学 一审| 刘 寅 西南政法大学 二审| 郝林桦 西南政法大学 编辑| 苏 桐 华中科技大学 lzzy 美国西北大学LL.M. 责编| 扎恩哈尔 新疆农业大学 The Journal of Law and Economics Volume 57, Number 1 | February 2014 《法与经济学杂志》第57卷第1期 #01 Malpractice Law, Physicians' Financial Incentives, and Medical Treatment: How Do They Interact? 医疗事故法、内科医生的经济激励与医疗: 三者 间如何相互作用? Ity Shurtz The effects of malpractice law and financial incentives on physicians are typically studied independently. This paper shows that to make both positive and normative statements about medical malpractice liability, one must consider physicians’ legal and financial incentives jointly. I develop a simple model to show that when treatment is unprofitable at the margin, mitigation of liabili