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孩子记忆里的“香格里拉” | SHANGRI-LA 游乐场

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-19 11:30


该项目是对某大型商业设施一角的儿童游乐场进行改造,打造出一个美丽而有趣的乐园“香格里拉”,让孩子们留下美好的回忆。 This project involved the renewal of a children's playground located in a corner of a large commercial facility. We created a beautiful and enjoyable paradise, "SHANGRI-LA," that will remain in the memories of children. 螺旋露台 Spiral Terrace 设计师保留了一棵25年的榉树,将其置于中心,并在其周围展开螺旋状的水面,犹如梯田。纯白色的侧壁和水底,仿若中国香格里拉“白水台”石灰岩梯田之美。三维自由曲面墙面垂直起伏,上弯处有圆形窥视孔,下弯处有通往相邻环路的通道。水势汹涌,水面发出悦耳的声音,吸引孩子们前来玩耍。 We preserved a 25-year-old zelkova tree, placing it at the center and expanding a spiral water surface around it, resembling terraced rice paddies. The pure white side walls and wat ………………………………

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