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momo  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2024-06-13 15:40


文献来源 Trans-provincial WEC policy (WEC). This paper manually collected pilot lists of trans-provincial WEC and set a dummy variable WEC to measure the implementation situations of trans-provincial WEC policies. Specifically, WEC in both the treatment and control groups are assigned a value of 0 before the treatment year. In contrast, if a county is selected as the compensated area, its WEC value becomes 1. Notably, Guyuan County, Luanping County and Fengning Manchu Autonomous County are included in both Luan and Chaobai River Basins. The WEC policy was implemented for the Luan River in 2016, while the Chaobai River WEC policy was implemented in 2018. Therefore, the policy implementation for these areas is set to the earliest year (2016). Yang, Q., et al. (2024). The impact of trans-provincial watershed eco-compensation policy on carbon emissions: Evidence from China. Economic Analysis and Policy. (完) ………………………………

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