学术报告会 Soft Robotics, a case study in human digestion 报告人: Peter Xu 教授 奥克兰大学 报告题目 Soft Robotics, a case study in human digestion 邀请人 陈小奇 院士 地点 国际校区D1-b110报告厅 时间 2024年5月31日(周五)14:30 报告人简介 Professor Peter Xu is the Chair in Mechatronics Engineering and Programme Director of BE (Hons) in Mechatronics Engineering at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Prior to Auckland, Prof Xu worked at Massey University, New Zealand (1999—2010), the City University of Hong Kong (1993—1998), the University of Stuttgart, Germany (1990—1992) and Southeast University, China (1988—1989). He received the BE and the ME degrees from Southeast University, China, in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and the PhD degree in mechatronics from Beihang University, China, in 1988. Professor Xu has served as Associate Editors for journals: IEEE Robotics and Automation Ma