更多招聘信息请关注BioArt人才账号 BioArt人才 美国弗吉尼亚大学孙声一课题组 单位介绍 招聘启事 美国弗吉尼亚大学孙声一课题组招聘2名博士后。课题组主要致力于研究内质网稳态及内质网相关蛋白降解 (ERAD) 在健康和疾病中的生理意义和潜在分子机制。课题组近年来在PNAS, Nat Commun, JCI等期刊发表多篇论文,并有充足经费支持。欢迎具有细胞生物学,生理与代谢,生物化学等相关专业背景者加盟。 JOB DESCRIPTION The Department of Pharmacology, at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, seeks Postdoctoral Research Associates to work in the laboratory of Dr. Shengyi Iris Sun. The focus of this lab position is to combine cutting-edge technologies to investigate the regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis and associated protein degradation in physiological and disease contexts, with a specific focus on liver physiology and lipid metabolism.