专栏名称: 北大物理人
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预告 | 学术讲座

北大物理人  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-10 13:14


讲座预告 2025.1.13—2025.1.19 【周四】天文 Claudio Ricci  (迭戈波塔利斯大学) The mm continuum emission of accreting supermassive black holes 周四 天文 The mm continuum emission of accreting supermassive black holes  主讲人  ▊ Claudio Ricci               (迭戈波塔利斯大学)   时   间 ▊ 2025年1月16日 15:30-16:30   地   点 ▊ KIAA-Auditorium  主持人   ▊ Luis Chi Ho lho.pku@gmail.com 讲座摘要 Recent studies have proposed that the nuclear millimeter continuum emission observed in nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) could be created by the same population of electrons that gives rise to the X-ray emission that is ubiquitously observed in accreting black holes. In my talk I will present the results of several dedicated high spatial resolution (~60-100 milliarcsecond) 100 GHz ALMA campaigns focussed on nearby radio-quiet AGN. We find an extremely high detection rate (~95\%), which shows that nuclear emission at mm-wavele ………………………………

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