专栏名称: 一天一篇经济学人
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直升机式育儿的悖论 | 今日心理学

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-17 09:47


 1 写在前面   第十九期写作精品课   晚鸟票最后10天 晚鸟票最后10天 晚鸟票最后10天 写作课共四位老师 全部雅思 8+ 且单项写作 7.5+ 雅思、学术英语写作,不知如何下笔如有神? 写作精品课带你谋篇布局 带你预习 - 精读 - 写作 - 答疑 从输入到输出写出高质量英语作文 点击下图,即可了解写作课详情! 2 精读|翻译|词组 Parenting The Paradox of Helicopter Parenting When protecting your child does more harm than good. Key points Practice mindfulness to manage your own emotions when your child faces challenges. Reframe struggles as growth opportunities, not failures, to reduce intervention urges. Set clear boundaries for when to intervene, focusing only on safety or explicit help requests. The impulse to protect one’s child is noble; it’s natural, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with it. However, any virtue unchecked by other virtues can become a vice. We are in a cultural m ………………………………

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