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Call for paper (IF 5.8):截止2025年4月30日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-23 17:58


Biomass and Bioenergy Conference - bbcbrazil2025 Special Issue welcomes research on diverse aspects of biomass and bioenergy, from characterization to sustainable utilization, encompassing biofuel production, environmental impacts, policy, and technological innovations. Guest editors: Fabio Minoru Yamaji Federal University of Sao Carlos - Campus Sorocaba, SOROCABA, Brazil fmyamaji@ufscar.br  Special issue information: The bbcbrazil2025 - Biomass and Bioenergy Conference - stands out as a pivotal event on the biomass calendar. The bbcbrazil covers all aspects of biomass, from basic research and sustainability to innovation and industrial-scale cases. This special issue will explore various topics:1. Agroforestry residues2. Algae3. Ashes4. Biochar5. Bioenergy: sustainability, economy, market, and policies6. Biomass Conversion technologies7. Biomass resources8. Biorefineries9. Municipal Solid Wastes10. Solid biofuel Manuscript submission information: Authors must submit the abstract to b ………………………………

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