专栏名称: 硕博留学情报官
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硕博留学情报官  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-17 08:02


/ 基本信息 / PhD scholarship at the Department of Business Humanities and Law (BHL), Copenhagen Business School 2025-3-16截止 About the group About Department of Business Humanities and Law (BHL) at CBS Core research areas of the Department of Business Humanities and Law are organized into different Units:  Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership; Governance, Culture and Learning; and CBS Law.  Project Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership We welcome research proposals that relate to entrepreneurship, including transformation, innovation, new venture creation, and market development; ethics in business, including responsibility, decision-making dilemmas, and the broader implications of business for society; and leadership, including emphasis on interpersonal relationships within organizations and workplace dynamics related to change processes. Governance, Culture and Learning We welcome proposals for doctoral work that relate to governance, including investigation of structur ………………………………

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