在生命的广袤画卷中,我们常试图以微末之力,去撼动那些恒常不变的法则,拼尽全力试图抓住那些本就无常的对境。 其实无需徒劳无功地寻求改变,而应学会静心观察。正如山之美,在于其巍峨与沉稳,教会我们坚韧与谦卑;鸟之舞,展现的是自由与灵动,引领我们向往心灵的解脱;河之流,则是时间的低语,提醒我们珍惜当下,顺应生命的节奏。 学会放手,让一切如其本然,只是静静地观察,用心感受每一刻。在这份觉察中,你会发现,真正的智慧不在于征服外界,而在于内心的觉醒。 --- 加措活佛 Throughout life,we are fated toface difficulties which, when persevered though,can turn into miraclesof happiness and success.Sometimes we lose ourway when faced with aparticular situation; intimes like these,it is better to take astep back then be swept along with the flow;we can step outside thecircleand get a fee