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微軟公司: FY25Q1收入Capex略超預期,Q2指引略低於預期

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-11 18:05


Microsoft Corp  (MSFT US) FY25Q1收入Capex略超預期,Q2指引略低於預期 Higher-than-expected revenue and capex in FY25Q1E; FYQ2E guidance a tad more subdued than anticipated BUY (maintain) 投資要點/Investment Thesis 投資要點/Investment Thesis 事件: MSFT公佈FY2025Q1財報,其中收入爲656億美元,同比+16.0%(超彭博一致預期1.7%);毛利率爲69.4%,同比-1.8pcts(略超彭博一致預期0.5%);調整後營業利潤率爲46.7%,同比-0.9pcts(超彭博一致預期2.7%);EPS爲3.30美元,同比+10.4%(超彭博一致預期6.2%)。 內容 FY25Q1E revenue beat expectations and rose 16% yoy; EPS up 10% yoy Microsoft released unaudited FY25Q1E (June to September 2024) results on 30 Oct: •Revenue came to USD65.6bn, up 16.0% yoy (1.7% better than the Bloomberg consensus forecast (BBG));  •Gross margin narrowed 1.8ppt yoy to 69.4% (0.5ppt better than BBG);  •Adjusted operating margin narrowed 0.9ppt yoy to 46.7% (2.7ppt above B ………………………………

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