人们不必相互汇报,我们依照个人能力给每个人赋予不同职责和权力。 人们所获得的权力是为了促其完成目标,同时也要承担起完成目标的责任。 同时,人们还要经受来自两个方向的压力测试——他们的上级和下属。我们所鼓励的挑战和提问不是质疑其每项决定,而是逐步改进工作的质量。独立思考和公开辩论的最终目标是为决策者提供不同的看问题的角度,这并不意味着决策权被转移给了那些提问者。 Everyone does not report to everyone. Responsibilities and authorities are assigned to individuals based on assessments of their ability to handle them. People are given the authority that they need to achieve outcomes and are held accountable for their ability to produce them. At the same time, they are going to be stress-tested from both directions—i.e., by those they report to and by those who report to them. The challenging and probing that we encour