1 写在前面 文章主要讨论的是如何克服拖延症,特别是针对学生和孩子。作者提供了七个实用建议: 1. 设置完成任务后的奖励; 2. 培养习惯而非依赖意志力; 3. 将大任务分解为小步骤; 4. 直接开始行动; 5. 告诉他人你的计划以增加责任感; 6. 安排休息时间; 7. 注意自我对话,避免消极思想。 这些策略旨在帮助人们更有效地管理时间,提高工作效率,减少拖延带来的压力和焦虑。 2 精读|翻译|词组 Procrastination Does Your Child Procrastinate? Or, for that matter, do YOU procrastinate? Key points There are ways to help kids with procrastination. For example, make studying a habit, not a choice. And save a reward for after the hard task is done. Daniel Willingham, a cognitive scientist and author of How To Outsmart Your Brain and Why Don't Students Like School? has some tips for procrastinators. I am going to summarize them here — and add a few of my own