▲ say architects Say是一个人表达感情或传播信息的通用方式。这是人类与他人交流最有效、最简单的方式。口头上说某事是短暂的,灵活的和共同创作的。 Say is a universal way for one to express a feeling or spread information. It is the most efficient and easy way for humans to communicate with others. Orally say something is momentary, flexible and co-authored. 基于对不同企业的各种办公区域的研究,并从空间内的工作模式和人类行为开始,简要要求两个功能区域:内部和外部办公区。SAY将空间分为三个主要功能区,两侧有大小示范办公室,留下一个宽敞的中央公共区域连接两个办公区域。布局将基础设置在300 x 300的网格上,确保空间的模块化和秩序感。 Based on the research of various office areas from different enterprises, and starting from the patterns of work and human behaviour within the space, the brief asks for two functio