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XiaoyanOnline | Quick Guide: Top Up Your Campus Card 校园卡充值指南

清华大学小研在线  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-03 21:03


Quick Guide: Top Up Your Campus Card 校园卡充值指南 So, you've got your Campus Card all setup, but now you're wondering how to top it up?  No worries, it’s super simple!  Today, we will introduce you to how to top up your Campus Card using Alipay and WeChat Pay.  Before we jump into the steps, make sure you’ve already had an Alipay or WeChat account and activated the payment functionality.  Let's get it started! 拿到校园卡后,怎么给它充值呢? 其实非常简单! 开始之前,请确保你已经拥有支付宝或微信账号并启用了支付功能! 01 Topping Up Using Alipay 支付宝充值流程 Step 1: Open the Alipay APP and scan the QR code on the back of your Campus Card. If you prefer, you can visit card.tsinghua.edu.cn in your browser. Tips:  You can change the language to English by clicking the three dashes located at the top-right corner! 第一步: 打开支付宝,扫描校园卡背后的二维码,或通过浏览器访问 "card.tsing ………………………………

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