大家好,本期是 跟着顶刊作图系列第27期 ,本系列主要是学习顶刊作图思路,激发作图灵感!今天分享的是 Acta Geotechnica 期刊中科研图片,其精小而美观, 绘图样式、组合、字体及颜色搭配 可以重点参考!相信我们也可以做到这样! Title: Breakage behavior of silica sands during high-pressure triaxial loading using X-ray microtomography (高压三轴加载过程中石英砂破碎行为的X射线显微断层成像研究) Fig. 1 Labeled images of the mini-triaxial apparatus: a 3D view of the apparatus, and b combination of the apparatus and X-ray machine Fig. 2 SEM of the silica sands. Fig. 5 Steps of image processing of silica sands: a a slice of original CT image, b median filter, c binarization, d chamfer distance map, e H-maxima, f watershed segmentation, g labeling (over-segmentation), and h reconstruction Fig. 6 Regional maxima of particle A on the other slice. Fig. 7 Effect of a closing operation o