一个心胸开阔的人, 能够正确地看待 自身与他人的差别。 他既不会自轻自贱, 把任何人都看得 比自己优越, 也不会盲目自信, 无谓地贬低他人。 他没有时间幸灾乐祸, 没有时间评论别人, 他只是忙于自己 所追求的事业与生活。 他不会计较 在每件事情上是否公平, 他在乎的是自己的内心 是否善良与智慧, 你是这样的吗? ---加措活佛 A broad-minded person can clearlysee the
differences between herself and others; she will never demean herselfnor view
others as superior. At the same time, she will not be blindlyconfident nor will
she belittle others. She does not have time to gloat overothers’ misfortune or
criticize , for she is too busy pursuing her own life andoccupation. She will
not keep count of whether everything that happens is fairor not; what she is
concerned with is whether or not she is happy and living afull life. Are you
like this? 有缘请加我公众微