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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-27 21:04


近日,澳大利亚实施一项新规,员工拥有“断联权”,非工作时间可以拒收邮件,拒接电话,且不会因此受罚。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. How does the "right to disconnect" law handle emergency situations or jobs with irregular hours? A) It completely prohibits any work-related contact after hours B) It allows contact, but employees can refuse to respond if reasonable C) It requires employees to be available at all times D) It only applies to specific industries 2. What concern does the Australian Industry Group have regarding the new law? A) It will lead to more unpaid overtime B) It will confuse employees about their work hours C) It will create ambiguity and reduce job flexibility D) It will increase the number of work-related lawsuits 无注释原文: Australian employees now have the right to disconnect from work after hours From: NBC NEWS Is your boss texting you on the weekend? Work email pinging long after you've le ………………………………

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