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【译文882】如果只有一台呼吸机,该给谁用?@ Freddy Hu | 0403

炸掉西兰花  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-03 21:49
YLYK·今日新闻当医疗资源稀缺时,应该先救谁?这一伦理学里的思想实验,却在最近成为了各国医务工作者都在经历的难题。应该优先救治更严重的患者,还是先救更可能活下去的病人?应不应该遵循先来后到,或者要不要把社会贡献考虑入内?今天的文章将进行探讨。一起来听今天的讲解Who Should Be Saved First? Experts Offer Ethical GuidanceBy Austin FraktHow do doctors and hospitals decide who gets potentially lifesaving treatment and who doesn’t?Facing this dilemma recently, Italian doctors sought ethical counsel and were told to consider an approach that draws on utilitarian principles.In layman’s terms, a utilitarianism approach would maximize overall health by directing care toward those most likely to benefit the most from it. If you had only one ventilator, it would go to ………………………………

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