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SCO nations urged to strengthen ties

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-05 13:00
Since China National Chemical Engineering Group Corp announced the establishment of an integrated petrochemicals complex and infrastructure project in Kazakhstan last year, it has been providing crucial support in upgrading Kazakhstan's petrochemical industry and boosting the country's economic growth.▲The Olympic City is under construction by China CAMC Engineering Co in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, on Jan 1. [Photo/Xinhua]The project serves as a shining example of the increasing cooperation between China and Kazakhstan, and how such cooperation can be beneficial for members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.Market observers said that, driven by the growth of the Belt and Road Initiative and their complementary industrial and trade structures, China and Kazakhstan are likely to expand business ties in areas such as transportation, finance, new infrastructure, clean energy, trade in services and manufacturing.Unlike traditional infra ………………………………

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