口语积累 life winner, have it all, live the dream 情景应用 最近,一位北京家庭主妇街头采访视频走红网络:40岁从未上过班,每月老公给3万生活费,一个月只带2天孩子,剩下时间跳舞弹琴旅游,已经去过50个多国家,妥妥人生赢家。“人生赢家”英语怎么说? “人生赢家”可以直译为life winner,也可以意译表达为have it all(什么都有了),例句: She's got a great job, a loving family, and travels all the time. She's definitely a winner in life. 她有一份很棒的工作,一个充满爱的家庭,而且经常旅行,绝对是人生赢家了。 I can't believe how successful he's become. Total winner in life! 我真不敢相信他变得那么成功了,绝对是人生赢家! Think about where you started. And now you are confident and accomplished. 想想你当初什么样子,再看看现在,自信又成功。 She has a successful career, a great family, and plenty of t