专栏名称: 医学英语研究会
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医学英语研究会  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-04 07:00


🎧 I'm gonna start today by talking about kissing and telling you more things about kissing than you probably ever knew. First of all, do you know how many calories a kiss burns?  Anywhere from two to six per minute. If you kiss for half an hour, you've burned up 180 calories.  While you're kissing away the calories, you'll also be boosting your immune system, assuming that your kissing partner doesn't have some strange illness.   If you need some more motivation to kiss someone, consider this: m en who kiss their wives goodbye are less likely to get in a car accident on the way to work.   Kissing also reduces stress. It improves your mood and can actually help keep you looking younger.   ■ Source:  Something You Should Know By Mike Carruthers   February 12, 2024 📽 戳“ 阅读原文 ”  为你的 医学英语 充电 ………………………………

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