专栏名称: 冬天毛
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冬天毛  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-23 16:23


全文翻译自纽约时报11月22日文章 原题:It’s Thanksgiving. Come On Home. 作者: Margaret Renkl 译者: 冬天毛 纽约时报( The New York Times )是一家日报,于1851年创办,是美国严肃报刊的代表。由于风格古典严肃,它有时也被戏称为“灰色女士”(The Gray Lady)。 (维基百科) 正文: NASHVILLE — I thought I had escaped the beautiful, benighted South for good when I left Alabama for graduate school in Philadelphia in 1984, though now I can’t imagine how that delusion ever took root. At the age of 22, I had never set foot any farther north than Chattanooga, Tenn. I was so poorly traveled — and so geographically illiterate — I could not pick out the state of Pennsylvania on an unlabeled weather map on the evening news. 纳什维尔——1984年,我离开了阿拉巴马州,前往费城 ………………………………

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