据环球时报转自美媒的报道,在威尼斯举行的“马可·波罗、《马可·波罗游记》与亚洲:二十年后的研究展望”国际会议上,一个由意大利地质学家、考古学家、化学家和艺术史学家组成的团队介绍了一项引人注目的新发现: 威尼斯圣马可广场的标志性青铜飞狮 “威尼斯之狮” 可能起源于8世纪的中国。 A new study has revealed that the iconic bronze-winged lion in St Mark's Square, Venice, may have originated in 8th-century China. The discovery comes from a multidisciplinary team of experts in geology, chemistry, archaeology, and art history from the University of Padua, the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and the International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies (Ismeo). 青铜飞狮 图源: Finestre sull'Arte 青铜“威尼斯之狮”矗立在花岗岩柱的顶部,俯瞰着圣马可广场。至少自1293年以来,这座巨大的雕塑就成为这个意大