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Maurice Martel architecte Studio,加拿大蒙特利尔

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-28 06:59


The Maurice Martel architecte Studio took on the challenge of transforming a former hair salon, once ordinary and confined to a single level, into its new architecture office. This project stands out for its thoughtful approach and the integration of custom solutions, demonstrating the Studio's ability to optimize and transform spaces efficiently. 莫里斯·马特尔建筑工作室接受了将一家曾经普通且仅限于单一楼层的前发廊改造成新的建筑办公室的挑战。该项目以其深思熟虑的方法和定制解决方案的集成而脱颖而出,展示了工作室有效优化和改造空间的能力。 The project utilized a previously unused crawl space to increase the ceiling height. This structural modification allowed for the installation of large windows, ensuring an abundance of natural light and a sense of open space, essential for a stimulating work environment. 该项目利用了以前未使用的爬行空间来增加天花板高度。这种结 ………………………………

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