专栏名称: 设计之旅
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[新作] VBD中置华优:以设计之名,致敬法拉利的赛道传奇

设计之旅  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-06-26 17:00
法拉利,源于赛道的传奇品牌,1947年恩佐·法拉利以其梦想塑造了首辆同名跑车,自此,法拉利成为极速与优雅的象征,它超越了品牌界限,点燃了全世界赛车爱好者心中的激情与荣耀。随着时间流转,法拉利俱乐部应运而生,成为全球车迷心中交流、分享和庆祝的圣地。杭州法拉利车队俱乐部作为国内首家法拉利集团官方授权的线下实体俱乐部,它延续了法拉利的赛道精神,为会员提供一个全新的探索体验。我们以设计之名,向传奇致敬。Ferrari, a legendary brand born on the racetrack, was shaped by Enzo Ferrari's dreams in 1947 with the creation of the first car bearing his name. From that point onwards, Ferrari has embodied the essence of velocity and grace, surpassing the limits of a brand to become a beacon igniting the fervor and honor within racing enthusiasts across the globe.As time goes by, the Ferrari Club has emerged as a holy pla ………………………………

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