快⬆️⬆️点击上方 蓝字 关注并星标 这 个公众号,一起涨姿势~ 词数:509 words 难度:★★★★☆ 小贴士: 后台聊天对话框: 回复“ 笔记 ” 获取阅读、新题型、完形填空、写作模板等笔记 点击文末左下角“ 阅读原文 ”可获得PDF版内容、 每月文章合集 ——大橙子留 ✦ + + 上期划线句答案 Past research has shown that many aspects of memory are affected by ageing, such as recall tasks that require real-time processing, whereas recognition tasks that rely on well-known information and automatic processes are not. 过去的研究表明,年龄会影响记忆的很多方面,比如需要实时处理的回忆任务,而依赖于众所周知的信息和自动化过程的识别任务则不受记忆的影响。 ✦ + + 本期内容 ◆ 双语阅读 Para.1 The gymnasts Sunisa Lee and Jordan Chiles both have long nails – Chiles decorating hers with jewels and vivid