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A world-class science slam competition - Falling Walls Lab 2025

赴德研究  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2024-12-19 12:00


本文介绍了Falling Walls Foundation举办的Falling Walls Lab竞赛。该竞赛鼓励全球科学家打破学术壁垒,促进跨学科创新,解决现实问题。文章详细介绍了竞赛的背景、目的、广州站的情况以及申请参加的具体要求和步骤。该竞赛旨在促进全球顶尖的科技人才交流和互动。


关键观点1: Falling Walls Lab简介

该竞赛由Falling Walls Foundation于2011年创立,旨在鼓励全球科学家打破学术壁垒,促进跨学科创新。

关键观点2: 竞赛流程

每年在不同城市举办初步竞赛,邀请各地区优胜者参加在德国柏林举行的决赛和国际著名的科技创新大会——Falling Walls Conference。

关键观点3: 广州站介绍

广州是Falling Walls Lab的主要站点之一,由DAAD(德国学术交流服务处)等机构主办。详细描述了申请资格、竞赛方式和申请步骤。

关键观点4: 申请资格和要求


关键观点5: 竞赛内容和形式



点击蓝字,关注我们 Falling Walls Foundation founded the Falling Walls Lab in 2011. This competition encourages scientists around the world to break academic barriers, promote interdisciplinary innovation, and solve practical problems. Each year, preliminary competitions are held in different cities on five continents, and winners from various regions are invited to participate in the final competition in Berlin and the international renowned Science and Technology Innovation Conference- the Falling Walls Conference, which is hailed by the BBC as the "Brightest Minds on the Planet" and is the world's top technology innovation exchange platform . We look forward to participants spending 3 minutes in the competition to showcase their research projects to everyone, clearly explaining the issues and solutions of the projects. Experimental projects must have originality, interdisciplinary characteristics, and positive and inspiring content. Winners from all over the world wi ………………………………

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