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美国经济让人如痴如醉,但也头疼不已 | 经济学人商业

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-13 13:31
1写在前面思维导图:Summer,女,QE在职,梦想能仗走天涯翻译/音乐/健康2精读|翻译|词组Business | Heady, with headaches商业 | 如痴如醉,但头疼不已/上头,但也伤脑?英文部分选自经济学人20231104期商业板块Business | Heady, with headaches商业 | 如痴如醉,但头疼不已/上头,但也伤脑?America’s economy is booming. Why aren’t its bosses happier?美国经济一路高歌,但为何未见企业管理者欢欣雀跃呢?Companies’ earnings calls have hardly been celebratory各大公司的电话财报会议里,几乎没什么值得庆祝的内容Good news about America’s economy seems to keep rolling in. In the third quarter gdp expanded by a barnstorming 4.9% in annualised terms. Heading into earnings season, the month or so each quarter when most firms report their latest results, a stream of upbeat economic figures led stockmarket analysts to hold their profit expectations for the quarter steady, rath ………………………………

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