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Chiquita ex-Ops Chief doubles down on extortion claim

中国水果门户  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-31 09:30


点击上方蓝字,关注我们 By Carla Espinoza Gutiérrez The most recent chapter of the ongoing paramilitary financing case involving Chiquita, former head of Colombia operations Charles Keiser is standing by his original extortion claim,  Law360  reported. The banana giant is  accused  of funding the right-wing Colombian paramilitary group United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), an organization linked to the deaths of 10 workers. Keiser took the stand in West Palm Beach for the second time on May 28, and recounted how Carlos Castaño, a notorious paramilitary leader, summoned him to his house. Castaño then conveyed threats to the company’s business, Keiser said. This led to the firm beginning regular payments to AUC, under the guise of "private security services." These payments are now at the heart of a class-action lawsuit filed by the families of the killed workers. EarthRights, the firm representing the families and other civilians involved, alleges that Chiquit ………………………………

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