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Online grocery orders a lifeline for city residents

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2022-04-14 11:58
Providers of important daily necessities in Shanghai have pledged to accept every online order and complete as many deliveries as possible to guarantee the supply of goods in the COVID-hit city.▲ Staff members sort and pack the ordered groceries at the outlet division of Meituan Maicai in East China's Shanghai, April 12, 2022. Photo/XinhuaWhen China Daily visited a Metro supermarket in the city's Putuo district on Wednesday, some 60 staff members were busy packing goods, including vegetables, meat and fruit, and loading them onto delivery vehicles, even though it is only open in an online capacity."We're packing the products as fast as we can to meet the soaring online orders. Our online business hasn't ceased since the COVID-19 outbreak hit. Our goal is to ensure every order can be accepted," said Wang Hongyu, head of the supermarket."Logistics is difficult right now because many couriers have been placed in closed-loop management due to the epidemic. But we're trying o ………………………………

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