专栏名称: 北京航空航天大学
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北京航空航天大学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-13 11:46


为进一步提升 学生科创育人深度和广度 增强学生科技创新影响力 深化学生科技创新国际交流合作 北京航空航天大学 将于2024年举办 首届北航全球科创大赛学生组竞赛 To further enhance the depth and breadth of student cultivation in science and innovation Increase the impact of student technological innovations Deepen international exchanges and cooperation in student scientific and technological innovation Beihang University is set to host the inaugural Beihang Global Science and Innovation Competition for student teams in 2024 大赛围绕 “逐梦空天、智领未来” 主题 聚焦空天信融合的学生科技创新竞赛 旨在赋能、孵化 更多科技创新力量 培养发掘面向未来的 高素质拔尖创新人才 The theme of the competition is "Pursuing Dreams of Aerospace, Leading the Future with Intelligence" Focuses on student technological innovation at the intersection of aerospace and information techno ………………………………

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