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普林格月评: 多空平衡待破局,如何识别关键阻力区间?

莫尼塔研究  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-04 07:00


文|马丁·普林格 张颖锐 李雨桐 专家介绍 马丁·普林格(Martin J.Pring),闻名全球的技术分析大师,该领域中最有影响力的领袖人物之一。普林格先生曾编写了大量市场高度认可的投资类书籍,包括《马丁·普林格论技术分析》系列丛书和《技术分析精论》等,同时他还为《Futures》、《Investment Vision》等财经杂志撰稿。 报告摘要 The long-term indicators are still marginally bullish, but only just. The current near-term technical position is finely balanced. Since global equities in general are positive, the implied improvement in the world economy should be sufficient to tip the balance in favor of an upside breakout. Due to the tight battle between buyers and sellers, any rally that follows is likely to be robust. The benchmarks to look for are in the 3030-3050 zone, with an e ………………………………

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