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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-08-01 17:18


导读   北京时间7月31日的巴黎奥运会乒乓球女单32强赛中,61岁的卢森堡选手倪夏莲对阵中国选手孙颖莎。虽然倪夏莲以大比分0:4遗憾落败,但全场观众起立欢呼,为这位巴黎奥运会年龄最长者献上崇高的敬意。 赛后采访中,倪夏莲幸福地对记者说:“我第一个梦想是来奥运,第二个梦想是赢一场,第三个梦想是跟孙颖莎打,我都圆梦了!” “打得精彩是我最大的心愿。” 年龄不是阻挡追梦的阻碍,唯有坚定初心,坚持热爱,可抵岁月漫长。 As an Olympic fan from a very young age, I have already got over my crush over any sporting "hero", because a "hero" maybe fickle and forgotten as time passes by. But this time in Paris I think I have come across one. At the age of 61, Ni Xialian, the oldest table tennis player, never felt out of place in Paris. ▲ Ni Xialian, representing Luxembourg, acknowledges to the crowd after her round of 32 game ………………………………

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