专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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ZHUZHANG Showroom & Office,中国深圳

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-30 07:03


"Spaces are significant conveyors of brand values through carefully  chosen materials, textures, and forms, creating a strong and cohesive  brand identity."–Bobo Chen “空间是品牌价值的重要载体,通过精心挑选的材料、纹理和形式,创造出强大而有凝聚力的品牌形象。”——Bobo Chen This project creates a serene, authentic space away from the city's  hustle and bustle through pure geometric forms, natural textures, and  minimalist design. Rather than pursuing a specific interior style, Bobo  Chen, the founder of Luban Era·Design, focuses on empowering space with  commercial value through aesthetics—an approach rooted in his innovative  design. Commissioned by the fashion brand YSFR, Bobo infuses the space  with the spiritual strength of modern females, crafting a sustainable  commercial environment that seamlessly blends contemporary art culture  with a fashionable lifestyle. Taking space as a medium, the designer  skill fully com ………………………………

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