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“农”情服务第136届广交会 融汇贯通便利跨境经贸往来

中国农业银行广东分行  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-14 19:14


“农”情服务 第136届广交会 10月15日,第136届中国进出口商品交易会(以下简称“广交会”)将在广东广州开幕。作为本届广交会战略合作伙伴,农行广东分行持续为广大展客商提供高效便捷的金融服务,在“融”“汇”“贯”“通”四个板块,为广交会展客商搭建跨境经贸桥梁。 The 136th session of the China Import and Export Fair, commonly referred to as the Canton Fair, is poised to commence in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on the 15th of October. In its capacity as the strategic cooperative partner of 136 th Canton Fair, the Guangdong division of the Agricultural Bank of China has steadfastly maintained the provision of expedient and accessible financial services to both exhibitors and purchasers. This includes comprehensive support within the "Financing", "Exchange", "Incorporation" and "Unity" segments,the Guangdong Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China has successfully established a cross- ………………………………

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