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「经济学人」Against the flow

LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-19 20:30


Periods A scientific discovery could lead to leak-free period products Polymers from algae can turn menstrual blood into a gel Bleeding through a tampon or pad never makes for a good time. The risk of leaks is annoying and stressful for all women who bleed, and especially for the 20% to 30% whose menstrual flow is so heavy that they sometimes must change their tampons or pads every hour. Some dread leaving their homes for fear of getting caught out. A new discovery could one day ease that anxiety. Writing in Matter on July 10th, scientists from Virginia Tech described an easy way to turn blood into a thick, semi-solid gel, which could limit leaks and spills from period products. It would be a rare step forward in menstrual care. This is “one of those quality-of-life issues”, says Bryan Hsu, the microbiologist who led the work, regarding which there has not been any progress “in a century”. The team began by looking for a material that could make blood more solid. They did so by ………………………………

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