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在科技资本的推动下种族科学的威胁又回来了 | 卫报

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-22 08:30


📢  文末扫码进裙,免费领取双语精读版 Propelled by tech money, the menace of race science is back – and it’s just as nonsensical as ever  Once thought extinct after the fall of empire, this debunked practice has re-emerged with support from rogue experts and rich backers The Guardian Race Oct 17, 2024 | 885 words | ★★★★ ★ “Civilisation is going to pieces … if we don’t look out the white race will be – will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.” Sentiments like this will be familiar to those who lurk in the less wholesome corners of the internet, where racism and other bigotries flourish. As a geneticist who specialises in racism and eugenics, I lurk so that you don’t have to. However, this particular phantom threat comes from Tom Buchanan, Daisy’s brutish husband, barking these unsolicited words at supper in the opening pages of The Great Gatsby. F Scott Fitzgerald paints a picture of upper-class ghouls th ………………………………

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