专栏名称: 艺术荐
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绘画丨Pierre Bonnard 作品

艺术荐  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-15 20:21


La Soirée sous la lampe (Evening By Lamplight), 1921 Oil on canvas 28 9/10 × 34 4/5 in 73.5 × 88.3 cm Doorway, 1966 Velum paper 15 × 11 in 38.1 × 27.9 cm Danseuses ou Le Ballet (Dancers or The Ballet), c. 1896 Oil on card 11 × 14 1/5 in 28 × 36 cm House amoung the Trees ("My Caravan" at Vernonnet), ca. 1918 Oil on canvas Bouquet of Flowers, 1926 Oil on canvas 27 5/8 × 18 14/25 in 70.2 × 47.1 cm The Little Street or Boulevard des Batignolles, (Petite rue où Boulevard des Batignolles), ca. 1903 Oil on canvas 12 1/8 × 8 1/2 in 30.8 × 21.6 cm Young Girls with a Dog (The Daughters of Alexandre Natanson), 1910 Oil on canvas 39 3/10 × 31 9/10 in 99.8 × 81 cm Rue à Paris, 1894-1895 Oil on board on panel 19 1/2 × 13 4/5 in 49.5 × 35 cm ‍ Woman with a Cat, or The Demanding Cat, 1912 Oil on canvas La loge (The Box), 1908 Oil on canvas 35 2/5 × 47 1/5 in 90 × 120 cm The Work Table, 1926-1937 Oil on canvas Le Boxeur (portrait de l’artiste) (The Boxer, portrait of the artist) ………………………………

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