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一个有趣的健身俱乐部 I Kometa黑色健身俱乐部

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-16 08:40


©伊利亚·伊万诺夫 位于莫斯科市中心Neglinnaya画廊购物中心负一层的这个健身俱乐部项目,处于一个有趣的位置。结构复杂且光线昏暗,为整个场所增添了神秘感。建筑师充分保留了原有的氛围,并在此基础上进一步加强,使其更加生动。业主希望这个空间能够营造出轻松随意的氛围,风格接近夜店,让顾客在其中锻炼或放松时丧失时间感,这也是俱乐部总体的营销理念之一。 The fitness club project located on the basement level of Neglinnaya Gallery Shopping Center in the center of Moscow is situated in an interesting location. The complex structure and dim lighting add a sense of mystery to the entire venue. The architect fully preserved the original atmosphere and further strengthened it on this basis, making it more vivid. The owner hopes that this space can create a relaxed and casual atmosphere, with a style similar to a nightclub, allowing customers to lose ………………………………

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