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老外怎么看S7举办地 91000个慎齐聚鸟巢!

联盟伴侣  · 公众号  · 游戏  · 2017-02-13 17:33


随着官方正式公布S7全球总决赛举办地为中国后,不仅是国内的玩家热情满满,国外的网友们也是疯狂讨论了一波,其中也不乏有些神点评。 Holy shit. That's immense. I really hope that pleases everyone, since they're going all out. Also, the birds nest is massive. Definitely the biggest so far. ——天啊,这真是太棒了。我希望大家都喜欢,这次安排真的是尽全力了。 而且鸟巢那么大,是目前为止最大的决赛场地了。 Just make sure that there is ample time for 5 games and a closing ceremony. Don't want a repeat of last year. ——希望他们租了鸟巢足够的时间,不要像去年那样,租的时间太短,都不够五场打满+闭幕式的。 Hopefully there won't be massive amounts of people attempting to refund their tickets when the inevitable Korean vs Korean finals happen. An s ………………………………

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