专栏名称: TAGChengdu
.TAG - To Another Galaxy. Dance club in Chengdu.
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TAGChengdu  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-16 00:00


QIUQIU终于迎来了他在.TAG的第一个long set!!! 经过不断的积累,.TAG的新生力量QIUQIU渐渐崭露头角,越来越受到舞池肯定。8月24日,他将为大家带来他的longset,用QIUQIU式的power, 让你渐行渐远,不醉不归! 舞池见!!!   QIUQIU finally got his first longse in.tag!!! After years of accumulation,QIUQIU gradually became more and more recognized on the dance floor. AUG 24, he will bring you his longset, with his QIUQIU style power, let you go further and further away, not drunk not home!   See you on the dance floor!!! Qiu从DJ生涯的开端就在.TAG的舞台上展现出了自己的热情与天赋。与生俱来的细腻情感和对声音的敏感塑造了他超越自身年龄的别致音乐审美。氛围的环绕与长线条的流畅律动是他的音乐哲学,从deep techno的低沉泵动到强力激昂 ………………………………

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