去年开始,韩国宠物推车的销量就超过了婴儿推车。选择不生孩子、把钱花在宠物身上、 推着婴儿车溜宠物…… ,韩国正面临全球最低生育率的问题。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What can be inferred about societal attitudes toward children and pets in South Korea? A. Children are more welcomed than pets in public venues. B. Pets are increasingly being treated as substitutes for children. C. There is a balanced emphasis on both child-rearing and pet ownership. D. The government is encouraging pet ownership to stimulate the economy. 无注释原文: Nation With Lowest Birthrate Is Rocked by Soaring Sales of Dog Strollers From: The Wall Street Journal After pushing a stroller to a park near her home in a Seoul suburb, Kang Seung-min plopped down on a bench. Then an elderly woman approached, looking for a friendly chat with Kang about motherhood. “I'm not even married yet,” Kang, 24, responded. The startled w