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【PTE机经跟读】 RA Day81:Swans|【口碑PTE 口语微讲堂】

KBPTE  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-29 06:00
清晨跟读早安,同学们,欢迎来到口碑PTE的口语微讲堂;我们固定会在每周二,三和四,公众号里面会给大家分享清晨读物,希望更多的学生们加入早睡早起行列。1Adrian带你练口语Before European explorers had reached Australia, it was believed that all swans were white. Dutch mariner, Antounie Caen, was the first to be amazed at the sight of Australia’s Black swans on the Shark Bay in 1636. Explorer Willem de Vlamingh captured two of these creatures on Australia’s Swan River and returned with them to Europe to prove their existence. ( 60 words )口碑PTE温馨提醒:考试还有另外一个版本:Version 2:Before the discovery of Australia, people in the  old world were convinced that all swans were white, an unassailable belief as   it seemed completely confirmed by empirical evidence. The sighting of the   ………………………………

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